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Wisdom for the Wilderness

May 28, 2017 Preacher: Matt Stanghelle Series: Stand Alone Sermons

Passage: Psalm 90:1–17

Sermon Questions
- Have you ever had a eureka-type moment like Pastor Matt shared that was accompanied by a life-impacting shift in perspective?

- We too live in the wilderness. Where do you feel the weight of that reality the most?

- God simply IS; our opinions or desires do not change who he is. Yet, we live in a culture that thrives on the "have it your way" mentality. How have you see this in our approach to God? Is there an aspect of God's character that you are hesitant to recognize?

- How do you respond when you consider the eternal and vast nature of God alongside his personal and relational nature?

- How does considering God and considering death teach us to number our days?

- Read Psalm 90:14-17. How are these desires partially fulfilled now in Christ and how will they be completely fulfilled at his return.

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